Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Struggle for Connectivity

At a time when Carmonize should be posting numerous glimpses into the life of an intern, sadly, the posts have not been forthcoming. Despite what seasoned Blogger's would suggest (They say: Don't post about why you have not written a post) I have decided that I give those of you who follow several reasons:

Numero Uno: June 2 - 20...Finals, numerous papers, and saying goodbye to the friends I made in San Jose. Graduation hits you upside the head - one day you're a student, the next, you're unemployed.

Numero Dos: Finding a job. It's hard I tell you - those of you who have the time to craft your interview skills (which includes the brief, yet compelling emails) I strongly encourage you to do so.

Numero Tres: Moving to San Francisco. Can I just say that living in the city that you've loved since you were a teenager (for me, when "Indie" was Hipster) is completely dream-like.

Numero Quatro: Starting a job with the agency you've jocked since you had a clue. Working for Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners has made the past three years of - well, hell - so worthwhile. I couldn't imagine working with better people & fan-tas-tic clients.

Numero Cinqo: Discovering the joys of a 9 - ... (yeah, sometimes it's 6, lately 8:30pm). I can actually have dinner, go to the gym and enjoy the city.

So what's next for Carmonize? I am compelled to continue to track down internships - I mean, that shit is hard and I try to take out the legwork. However, I think that the direction of the blog will begin to take on a new approach: That of a person learning the ropes of working in an ad agency. I think you'll like. I hope you do.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Drunk-tern: A little advice for the tipsy

Dear Intern -

I feel it's my responsibility as a former 'tern to tell you: Do not drink the punch!

Yes - it's true, agency people love to let their hair down, but let me tell you, do not let yours lose its shape.

I know the feeling of wanting to fit in so badly that you sip, Sip, SIP vodka soda after vodka soda because well - it feels great and it's low cal. However, before you down that next glass of fire water, let me remind you of a thing called a REPUTATION.

A reputation, along with your looks, can quickly fade. A good one takes a lot of time and energy to craft, and at the end of your internship is one of the deciding factors if an agency keeps you on. So here are a few tips for surviving the OPEN BAR e-mail:

  • Do not experiment with your drinks. Nothing says NOOB like someone who orders a Cosmo followed by an Irish Car Bomb. Stick to one drink - preferably something that doesn't scream "I saw this in a TGIF menu."
  • Pretend to drink something that you're not. E.g. I order Non-alcoholic beers and ask the bartender to pour it into a pint glass. Looks like the real thing, feels like your best Sunday dress. I do this when I want to build street cred - Image means a lot in the industry world, but it doesn't mean you need to be a fool. Act smart.
  • Drink a glass of water between drinks. For added affect, ask for it on the rocks in a tumbler with a wedge of lime.
  • Don't be the last to leave. Open bars & agency outings are just like parties - you want to make an appearance but you don't want to be the entertainment. Have a drink, perhaps two, but then leave. Always remember to make your rounds and leave people wanting more.
  • Keep your dirty laundry in the laundry basket. Agency life, just like life, is ripe full of people who love the gossip mill. I highly suggest you watch Mad Men and watch Don Draper handle his business - like a well tuned stealth fighter. My hero. Just remember, your secrets can quickly become email fodder the next day.
  • Finally, have a Wing-tern. They're that fellow intern you can trust to tell you in private that you're nearing the edge baby...step back from that ledge my friend! A good one is hard to find since many interns see each other as competition and would like nothing more than for you to show the ECD just how good you are the Lambada. If you find a Wing-Tern, keep them close.
Readers, feel free to share your tricks of the trade in the comments section - drinking wiser is the name of the game.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Internship: Continuum Crew

Continuum Crew
is looking for two part-time interns NOW.

They're the new kid on the SF block and specialize in the 40+ demo - Boom-Baby-Boom. They are currently looking for (A) 1 Account Services intern and (B) 1 Media intern.

If you're still looking for an internship this summer, send your resume along with a cover letter to Shelby (dot) Jones (at) continuumcrew (dot) com

Internship: Pop Art

So lets say you missed out on the COLABORATORY bus - not to worry, because now, you can apply straight to the source (at least one of them).

Pop Art is an interactive marketing agency in Portland. Their portfolio includes work for Leatherman, Portland Institute for Contemporary Arts, and Freightliner Trucks.

Here's a snapshot of what you could be doing with Pop Art:
  • Interactive Design
  • Editorial
  • Interactive Advertising Media
  • Software Development
  • Interactive Project Management
There are a few requirements for the internships, my favorite being: "College age or older." Lets assume you need to be 18+ to ride. Check out the other requirements and more on their website.

Oh - did I mention, they give you the option for a PAID or Unpaid internship? How novel (like, seriously awesome). Positions are currently open - so run, run fast.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My First Time

Yesterday afternoon, I saw the tv spot for the campaign I had worked on while interning at Campbell Mithun for the first time.

Watching the commercial for Nature Valley, I couldn't help but become really emotional - it was as if those 10 weeks I spent working alongside some of the most hard-working people just came flooding back.

What I remember most, is showing the spot to the client and thinking to myself how great it felt to work as part of the team that created such a moving spot. I want to feel that again.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Creativity Comes from Everywhere

A few weeks ago, a rumor started circulating that a rep from Goodby, Silverstein & Partners would be coming to speak to a group of San Jose State University students. My first thought: Someone has been taking one too many happy pills. Flash forward a few weeks (and a few more rumors) and I'm sitting in a lecture hall with 80 other students listening to John Coyne, Worldwide Group Director for HP at Goodby.

I'm going to spare you the joyful expletives that filled my mind when John first stepped foot into the room - but lets just say that despite working with Goodby for 10 years, he still has the approachability of Joe Six-Pack.

The message of the day: Creativity Comes from Everywhere

John started his presentation with a brief background of Goodby, here's the Cliff Notes version:
  • GSP has been around since 1983 (Sadly, I'm older than them)
  • Currently employs a smidge over 500 employees
  • Client list . . . well their client list is like Oscar role call (Sprint, CA Fluid Milk Processors, and Hewlett-Packard to name a few)
  • GSP has experienced tremendous growth in the past two years in web/interactive campaigns (yes, traditional campaigns are still in play, but they no longer make up the majority of GSP puts out)
John continued with his message by presenting case studies from three clients
  1. Haagen-Dazs: "Help the honey Bee's"
  2. NBA: "There can only be one"
  3. Wii Wario Land: "Shake It!"

The work:
Haagen-Dazs: "Help the Honey Bee's"

The beauty of this campaign isn't in its execution (though it is quite beautiful) it's that the idea originated from a Media Planner who after reading an article about the disappearance of honey bee's, began working with creatives at GSP that eventually led to the campaign as you see it today.

NBA: "There Can Only Be One"

Check out other "match-ups" here

Again, rather than coming from the expected source, this idea originated from a Media Strategist at GSP who understood how to use RSS feeds from the NBA homepage which allowed GSP to pair players from teams who were playing against each other that day (Warning: I could have screwed this up, I tried to get my head around it - really did).

Wii - Wario Land: "Shake It!"

Just go here

This approach by GSP emphasized the importance of approaching creativity from different angles - in particular, how to collaborate with media vendors (like Youtube).

Special thanks to Professor Tim Mitchell for inviting John Coyne to speak with the students at SJSU - Best presenter we've had at the school in the three years I've been here.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Internship: Arc Worldwide

You know that saying: When it rains, it pours? Well today - it's pouring internships, which isn't a bad thing. There's something for everyone today, including those interested in post production.

Arc Woldwide is looking for a Motion Graphics intern this summer at their Chicago office.

You can check out the posting on their website (they're part of Publicis so recruiting is held on Leo Burnett's site).

Here's a snapshot of what they're looking for:
  • Strong After Effects Animation skills
  • Experience in keying and rotoscoping
  • 6 months to 1 year of professional motion graphics experience

Internship: Northlich

I've said it once, I'll say it again. If you want to land an internship or entry-level job you must, Must, MUST read the trade pubs.

Today - AdWeek reported that Northlich (Cincinnati, OH) was selected as the creative shop for the Ohio Lottery Commission. Congrats!

As a student, you should connect the dots: New business + more revenue = Warm bodies needed. A quick visit to their website and BEHOLD: An internship opportunity!

Some quick facts about the internship:
  • 12-week program
  • Applicants must be pursuing a 4-year degree or recent graduate, majoring in Marketing or Communications
  • It's cross-disciplinary, i.e. you'd be working across advertising, marketing and PR platforms - so really you'd get your hands dirty (always good for the NOOBs)
Check out the job-posting here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Internship: BBDO Detroit (cross your fingers)

Update (4.30.09): The internship position has been removed from the job board - perhaps on the heels of Chrysler officially announcing Bankruptcy? Lets hope they found an intern and that's why it's no longer on BBDO's website


There's a job post on BBDO Detroit's website for an Account Services intern. Unfortunately, the internship is unpaid - but I wouldn't really gripe about it since the only client their office serves is Chrysler.

Chrysler, as you know, may be going the way of the dinosaur - yes, bankruptcy could be a very real possibility for the automaker during the midst of the internship. Another possibility is that Fiat may take control of Chrysler which could lead to a shake up of its AOR.

Lets look at it from the cup half full method: You'll get a chance to experience history in the making.

Check out the post here

Tips: Resumes - Part 1 of a 3 part series

Occasionally, I'll get asked how I managed to work my way into BBH NY and Campbell Mithun, and naturally, the conversation always leads towards three things: Resumes, phone interviews and personal interviews. More specifically, people ask me what I did or didn't do in regards to each of them.

Anytime I offer my advice, I emphasize that I'm not the authoritative person on any of the subjects, so I'm always glad when I can get the inside scoop from the people students need to impress - recruiters.

Susan Engle, Director of Human Resources at Mediasmith, recently spoke with students of San Jose State's advertising club about what students need to do to get noticed for entry-level positions. Though recruiting varies from shop-to-shop, Susan provided some solid info about what she looks for in an applicant.

Today, I'll share what Susan recommends students should do to make their resume more appealing. Check back later this week for tips on phone interviews and personal interviews.

  1. Resumes should be one page - no more, no less
  2. Always proofread your resume; Resumes/cover letters should always be free of grammatical errors. Though it sounds easy enough, you'd be surprised how many times I've seen resumes that have simple spelling errors that make you wonder - is this person actually in college? (oh man, like I should talk - I'm a horrid speller but because I know this, I proofread several times - unless it's on this blog :p)
  3. Don't lie or inflate your resume - trust that a recruiter can sniff out a liar
  4. The skills section counts! Susan explained that though there is software that students won't get training on while in college, she can judge if a student has the disposition to learn a new tool by how proficient they are with the software available to them
  5. Incorporate buzzwords from job-postings into your resume
  6. Include something about yourself - like a hobby. This allows the recruiter and applicant an opportunity to relax. My resume states that I have a mac'n cheese recipe that will make me famous - it ALWAYS gets brought up in interviews (yes, the pic is my MnC - drooling is completely appropriate)
  7. Change your objective for the position - in other words, if you're applying for the position of media tracker don't leave that you're desperately wanting to work the dressing room of Urban Outfitters on your resume
  8. Mention projects you've worked on only if you feel that they are stellar and wouldn't mind sharing them during a personal interview
I'll have the next post on phone interviews up by Wednesday, in the meantime, feel free to ask questions in the comments section.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Internship: Draftfct Chicago - Bilingual AD/CW Intern

Fresh from the land of Tweet:

Draftfcb Chicago is looking for bilingual (Spanish/English) art direction and copywriting interns. The interns will work within the group that concepts for over 25 brands.

Email questions, resumes, URLs to
Follow Craig @CreativeAdGigs on Twitter

Monday, April 13, 2009

Internship: RPA

Despite getting only 4 hours of sleep last night, I find myself in quite a perky mood. So I thought, why not share a little good news with you.

RPA is looking for interns in their Santa Monica, CA office!

I have a soft spot for RPA for three reasons. 1) A very good friend started with RPA as a Jr. Art Director several years ago - sad to say, she's no longer with them 2) The first planner I ever spoke with (at my friends suggestion) was from RPA - lets just say that he schooled me on planning 3) During a previous internship, I discovered the deliciousness that is Soy Joy (a client of RPA's) while doing a flash competitive report (btw - Mango Coconut is my flavor of choice).

In addition to Soy Joy, RPA has done work for: Acura, Honda (America), La-Z-Boy and Pioneer

Honda Element - Gil The Crab


The following are the departments that RPA is looking for interns:

  • Account Management
  • Creative/Production
  • Media, HR/Finance/Administration
  • Search Marketing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Technology
  • Traffic/Project Management
Check out the job posting here

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Heads Up: Q & A with a former Art Director Intern

I've been wanting to do a Q&A with former interns for a while - perhaps its my inner Connie Chung coming out.

Jordan Smith is a recent grad from Brainco and a former art director intern at Campbell Mithun. I thought she would be the perfect person to test this out on for several reasons:

1. Her work is damn brills
2. I worked with her so I know she's the real deal
3. She snorts (like me) when she laughs

Use the comment section to post any questions you may have for Jordan - but do prepare yourself for some blunt feedback (she's got a wicked tongue).

Check out her portfolio here

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Internship: New New Deadline for COLABORATORY

In case you were fretting about the impending COLABORATORY deadline - good news! The new deadline is May 1st, however, they've changed the submission format. Instead of submitting it through the COLAB website, you will now need to mail the application to:

PAF, P.O. Box 8338, Portland Oregon 97207

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Orange: Hello

One of the best lessons I ever learned while working on campaigns for Nature Valley, Levi's and Mentos was that good advertising is universal. True, targeted spots reign supreme, but every once in a while I come across something that reminds me that no matter what we look like, who we love or where we live that we are in essence the same beings.

Take "Hello" from Access Leo Burnett for Orange:

Does anyone know where I can find the radio spot and print executions? I'd like to see how the rest of the campaign works out.


Random side note:

I could not get the spot out of my head today - in particular the song that accompanied it. Sitting in my room, I thought: Self, where do you know that whiny voice from?

I answered: He's that sensitive one you saw at Pomona College years ago when you were 19 and madly in love with someone who didn't love you back.

So I thought to myself: Perhaps, this song, that voice - perhaps that's one of the reasons why this spot resonates so well with me.

The song: First Day of My Life
The Artist (whom I'm not a big fan of): Bright Eyes

The video (pass me a Kleenex)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Internship: Modernista!

1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10!

Modernista! currently has 10 internships posted on their website in a bevy of departments - I'm not kidding you when I say bevy.

From the shop that brought you spots for:


Project (Red)

Without further ado - the M! Summer internships of 2009:
  • Web Programming
  • Studio
  • Project Management
  • Post M! (production)
  • Interactive Flash Design
  • Interactive Design
  • Human Resources (hire me)
  • Digital Image Archiving
  • Design
  • Account Services
All internships are in their Boston office and are unpaid. You must be able to get school credit for the internship (so visit the financial aid office now to make sure you're covered for Summer courses)

Visit the Modernista! job page for more info/to apply

Check out their blog & the Super 88 Challenge - a real treat for the senses!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Yawn: Wilkinson Sword

Thank you JWT New York for reminding me why I went into advertising. Excuse me while I call my mother and demand she fly in to fold my laundry.

An Intern Story: Find me a door

It was another monstrously humid day in New York City. Despite my attempt to appear "put-together" the 45-minute 1 train from Washington Heights to Tribeca had left me looking more like a hag-tern than intern. Settling into my seat at the NOOB table I propped myself up to appear ready for anything my AE would throw at me.

An hour later, she approaches with an unusual task. "Find a door," she says.

I stare at her for a minute trying to process what she had just said. We had been working with each other for a little over a week and I hadn't quite found my groove.

"A door? Like a door you find on someones house?" I ask.
"Yes. I need it by 1 o'clock this afternoon - try to stay under $75," her voice trailing as she walked briskly back at to her desk - no doubt the client was on hold.

As an intern, you need to be prepared for situations such as this that go completely against your preconceived notions of what an intern does. True, a door is nothing like accompanying your AE to a photo shoot, but the same innovation to how you approach the task goes into play.

To start, I called the local Home Depot. After all, this is what a kid from a Los Angeles suburb does when they're looking for a door. Apparently, Home Depot doesn't sell doors in Manhattan. No - if you want a door, you must visit the Home Depot in Long Island City. Naturally, the thought of carrying a door across the Burroughs was just not happening.

I called up a few places and discovered a hardware store a few blocks away from the agency and asked a Friend-tern (Definition: A fellow intern that you don't throw under the bus and actually trust; this occurs after copious amounts of beer following a grueling day) if they would accompany me.

The hardware store - I tell you - is man heaven. It requires a certain kind of skill to get anyone to do anything for you. So I say with my most manly of voices, "I need a door - a cheap door that looks like it costs more than it does."

30 minutes later a door is lowered from the 3rd story storage area but it is missing a key element: A door handle.

I should backtrack a bit - the door was to be used for a presentation to the client. It was pivotal to the campaign - the cornerstone you could say. The door needed to look like it could work . . . like you could walk through it and enter a world unique to the brand. Hence, why the door knob was vital.

Back to the story. After browsing knobs for a while, I was perplexed at the exorbitant amount of money they would cost (it would have put me well over the $75 limit). So I ask one of the associates if they had something cheaper - something less real. Turns out, my request wasn't unheard of. This being the center of theater culture, faux-door knobs were in constant supply. A faux knob is a one-sided knob that gives the impression that it actually opens - in essence, it is a prop.

Realizing that I would have to install the knob myself and knowing that I have never been fond of powertools (hence why I always have a BFF lesbian in my life) I bargained with the guy who brought the door out and offered him $10 if he would install the handle. He did it for $15, but that left me with $10 to spare.

As friend-tern and I walked down West Broadway with knobed-door in hand we waved at celebrities trying hard to feign interest in her platter of greens at the SoHo Grand.

Opening up the delivery elevator on the 19th floor with door in toe, I asked my AE where she would like the door.

"Anywhere," she said, slipping me a sly grin - I knew I had fell into her good graces.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Internship: Goodness Manufacturing

I posted internships at a few boutique agencies throughout the US. Well guess what - add one more to the list: Goodness Manufacturing is currently looking for stellar copywriter interns (Spring & Summer).

The 411 on Goodness Manufacturing:

The agency is located in Venice Beach, CA and was founded by five ex-Crispin Porter + Bogusky-ites who had key roles in the following brands:
  • Burger King (Subservient Chicken + the creepy Burger King)
  • Miller Lite/Miller High Life/IKEA (Unboring - btw, Paul -THANK YOU for "Lamp" and all the uncontrollable fits of laughter that came along with it - I redecorated my room because of that spot)/Gateway
  • The Truth Campaign
  • Nike/Coke/Microsoft
  • Check out more of their work on their site
I just have to say, if you're not suffering from an epileptic seizure after reading that you should probably consider taking up horticulture. Don't take my word for it - take his.

Here's the message from Goodness:

"hi! i'm from goodness Mfg. and we are currently in the market for interns for spring/summer. we're looking for an awesome copywriter intern and offering a weekly stipend. resumes/books/cookies can be sent to kbell (at) goodnessmfg (dot) com"

I'm going to salivate a bit - but if I were a copywriter, I'd not miss an opportunity to work with Goodness. You'd be learning from some of the best minds in the business who have the track record to prove it.

That said, get your book all prettied up (I can give you some damn good recipes for oatmeal cookies too) - Good Luck!

Hello Portland!

I'll be in Portland, Oregon through Friday, March 27th. If you're in the area and want to grab a beer send me a DM on Twitter

Monday, March 23, 2009

Internships: Riester/Glass McClure/Neiman Group/Queue

Taking a nod from Father Bogusky, I thought that I would post a few internships from small agencies. Unfortunately, the shops(Toy, Stick & Move, & Goodness Manufacturing) mentioned in the article aren't posting internships on their websites - however, that's not to say that you shouldn't give them a call and ask anyway. Here are a few boutique shops that are actively looking for interns

Location: Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Phoenix

Clients: Arizona Lottery, Gold's Gym, McDonald's, SPAM, Wetzel's Pretzel's and Hormel Foods (to name a few)

Positions: It's a little confusing - it sounds like they're really looking for account management interns but that there is potential to branch out into media, planning, public relations and/or creative

Deadline: Not specified

For more information: Visit the Reister website

Glass McClure
Location: Sacramento, CA

Clients: Amtrack, Go Girl Energy Drinks, Dodge, Duraflame, Kelty Outdoors, Lucky Supermarkets

Positions: Account, media, creative & non-traditional/promotions

Deadline: Contact agency to confirm

For more information: Visit the Glass McClure website
* Please be aware that they may not be offering the internship this year as the posting has not been updated for 2009. I emailed them but never heard anything back - sorry kids

Neiman Group
Location: Harrisburg, PA

Clients: 2K, Troegs, Sheetz, Capital Blue Cross, Jackson House, Just Cabinets, Temple University

Positions: Account services, creative, public relations

For more information: Visit the Neiman Group website & contact the appropriate party (Quick word of advice, the internship postings aren't listed as such. To find them, go to click on the "Contact" button, click on "Work Here" and the internships are listed under "Creative," "Account Services," and "Public Relations."

Queue Advertising

Location: Lansing, Michigan

Clients: Paramount Coffee, Sparrow Hospital, Custom Built, Crowner Farms, College Fields

Positions: Account and creative services

For more information: Visit Queue website and their Facebook page

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Housing: Finding your i-pad

So you've landed an internship - Fabulous!

Now the biggest question on your mind is: Where to live?

The first thing you should do is calculate how much you can afford. For some, mom and dad will foot the bill, for others a student loan may help with the cost - whatever the case, you should know what you have to work with before beginning your search. (I'll be writing a post about how to raise some money next week).

Next, do some research on the city you'll be interning and try to find out about the different neighborhoods. Here are some resources for different cities:
Once you have found a few neighborhoods that you think would be ideal for you, check out the housing options available.

Renting a room or subletting an apartment:
Your best resource will be Craigslist. Under the housing section you can find great places that are updated often - so set up an RSS feed if you want to swoop in before anyone else does.

University Housing:
Many colleges throughout the US offer Summer housing for interns and may even include a meal plan. Here are a few worth checking out:

While you're checking out housing options, make sure to keep in mind how long it would take you to get to your internship. Google maps has a good tool for estimating commute time for driving, public transportation and walking - check it out.

If you have any specific questions leave a comment and I'll try to point you out in the right direction.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What does my phone say about me?

Right this very second, I'm sitting atop the 8th floor of my school's library (it's the quiet floor) and I'm checking out Wieden Kennedy's website - you know, because I want to learn more about them. I rarely get this excited about ads but then I came across their work for Nokia (done by the London office) - and I'm floored. Actually, I'm not. I'm dancing (very Monica Belluci-like in Irreversible). Here's some of the work:

(Check out their Youtube channel: Somebody Else's Phone for more vids)

The spots are chaotic, like a bad/good night (depending on how you look at it) straight out of a Bret Easton Ellis novel. The question: What does your phone say about you?

So here goes -

  • 188 pictures of my childhood - apparently left over from a project I did for my Psych of Personality class where I used Erickson's model of development to explain my life (Lush)
  • Pictures of my roommate - on bike/smoking/laying atop a grassy knoll
  • A Day at the Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Me playing with a rat
  • Me cooking - mac n cheese, marinara sauce
  • Not so kosher pics of me kissing puppy
Text Messages:
  • Lots of Twitter messages (apparently Brian feels fat)
  • A bad dog joke I sent to puppy that I killed
  • A message asking my roommate if she'd like to "suck my toes?"
  • Shit talk about someone - who? I'll never tell
  • None - iPhones don't do videos (wtf?)
  • Expando: A game I downloaded after I heard the developer was implicated in Gmail shutting down a few weeks ago - and, she's a Tranny!
  • Labyrinth
  • B of A
  • Pandora
  • Loopt
  • Tap Tap
  • My mechanic telling me my car is a piece of crap
  • A girl from a group project telling me she's running late to a presentation (sigh)
  • A MAIP semi-finalist telling me about her interview at Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners
  • A very embarrassing vm from my former boss
  • The Ballet
  • Santogold
  • B-sides of Glass Candy
  • PJ Harvey
So question to you all - What does my phone say about me?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Internship: Martin Williams

It's Monday - so that means it's time for another round of FIND ME AN INTERNSHIP!

Let me point you in the direction of Martin Williams' internship program, Velocity. First, a little bit about Martin Williams:

"Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN., Martin Williams is a full service agency dedicated to creating 20-ton ideas and building great client partnerships with companies such as Pfizer, Syngenta, Cargill, Payless, Cellular South, Lincoln Financial Group, Marvin Windows, Hoover, Anheuser-Busch, NewPage and MediaWise."
Here are a few of their TV ads:

What Velocity is all about:
  • A 16-Week paid internship
  • Positions Available in Account Management, Media, Art Direction & Copywriting
  • Deadline for submissions is March 31, 2009
For more information, visit the Velocity site (which by the way, is a perfect example of what agencies should be doing to promote their internships. It's chop full of peeks into the agency, some of their philosophies, and spliced up with some of their work - good job guys).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reach Out & Touch Someone

Ever wanted to know what it's like to work at an agency without actually working there? My suggestion, find someone who's worked there and ask to talk to them. Case and point - I was recently contacted by a candidate for Campbell Mithun's Lucky 13 internship program.

Here's how he did it:
  • He joined Campbell Mithun's Facebook Page for The Lucky 13
  • He noticed that I had posted a comment on their wall & sent a friend request accompanied by a nice message and a link to his blog: Guy with Ideas
  • He then asked if I would talk to him via Skype (a cheap alternative to phone calls - especially when you're calling from London like he was)
  • He set up a time for us to talk and asked great questions about The Lucky 13
By the end of conversation he had an interns perspective of what it's like to work at an agency. You can do the same thing.

Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouIntern (to name a few) to get in contact with former interns and ask them what it's like to work at the agency they worked at.

The worst case scenario is they'll say no. In that case, you move on to someone else - however, I highly doubt they would because EVERYONE I've ever met who's interned at an agency wants to share their story (even if all they did was make coffee).

Try it out - let me know how it works for you.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Internship: COLABORATORY Deadline is April 10th

UPDATE: The deadline for COLABORATORY has been pushed back to April 10, 2009. Even more time to make that app dazzle.

Internship season isn't quite over. In fact - it's not over until you get your offer in writing. That said, if you're going to apply to just one more internship, apply to COLABORATORY.

COLABORATORY is an internship program brought to you by the Portland Ad Federation. Read my original post to find out the basics.

The following agencies will be participating in COLABORATORY:
One of the best aspects of COLABORATORY is the opportunity to work with not one, but three of the agencies listed above. As someone who's played the internship game, I think it's an incredibly unique opportunity to see what the culture is like at each agency.

What also makes COLABORATORY so unique is that the interns work on a campaign pitch to a local client. Though their website veils the client in mystery, I want to let you in on a little secret: It's Columbia Sportswear's International Division. (My reaction to this starts at 2:30)

Just a heads up, their application is extremely intense (as it should be) so you should definitely put some time into it. I mean, if they've created a cheat sheet for the application, you should know they mean business.

Your application must be submitted by March 31st. Good Luck!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open House @ Campbell Mithun!!!

Campbell Mithun is hosting an open house for anyone interested in a career in advertising tomorrow, Feb. 20th.

I confirmed with a source @ CM that you can still RSVP, but you should do so NOW (literally).

It's refreshing to know that a large agency like CM is being so transparent about how they operate by inviting the public in to see the agency - someone definitely is taking a cue from Obama.

This would be a great opportunity for those applying to The Lucky 13, Campbell Mithun's internship program, to check out their office.

Are there any other agencies, big or small, who are hosting an open house anytime soon?

A Personal Apology

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of posts in the last few days, particularly at the most critical time of the internship seeking process.

With school, my internship and everything going on in my personal life (which is rapidly depleting) I've been choosing an extra 30 minutes of sleep over posting. I'll get some new positions up STAT.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Internship: Moses Anshell

Moses Anshell, an independent shop in Phoenix, Arizona is looking for interns year-round.

They offer positions in the following:
  • Client Services
  • Art Direction/Production
  • Copywriting
  • Interactive
  • Public Relations
  • Strategy & Insights
All internships are unpaid (sigh, lets hope they offer you lunch at the very least) but are eligible for college credit.

Internship: Grupo Gallegos

Grupo Gallegos is looking for an intern (possibly interns) for their shop in Long Beach, CA.

If you haven't heard of the shop, you've probably been living with your abuelita (granny) who doesn't have a computer or electricity - they've pretty much been blowing it up!

GG is a multicultural agency that specializes in advertising to Hispanic audiences. Their roster is top notch, including The California Milk Processors Board, Comcast, Energizer and Foster Farms.

Foster Farms - Transformation

Not only do they have an impressive client list, but the cred behind it. They've won numerous awards and were named Mulitcultural Agency of the Year (2008) by Ad Age.

About the internship:
12-week internship will expose you to all aspects of our full-service agency including: strategic planning, account service, media buying, and creative. You'll be part of our team as we develop and implement marketing campaigns for our clients

To be honest with you, I was totally floored to come across this internship - it's just that good. Make sure to check out their write up in Ad Age (download it from their website), it's particularly good for those who are interested in art direction/copywriting as it describes why Grupo Gallegos has a shop in Argentina.

Energizer - Beard

Internship info is listed under "employment" on their site.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In The News: Marketers cutting budgets amidst record job cuts

Part of prepping yourself for the ad world is to know the ad world. As of today I will periodically link up to some articles that are not only important to WE as interns but WE as an industry.

According to Ad Age, 77% of marketers are planning to cut their media budgets. The result of our 14-month recession is definitely taking a toll on the ad industry and those who work in it are being directly affected.

In another Ad Age article, the advertising industry cut 18,700 jobs in December alone, bringing the total job loses since the recession to 65,100.

As an intern or entry-level applicant, it's incredibly important to know the state of the industry. Expec more competition for entry level jobs & internships and less interest from recruiters in the upcoming months.

Just yesterday, a fellow blogger pointed out that an internship that Saatchi LA had posted on Youintern was no longer in place. It makes sense in hindsight, Saatchi LA, like almost every shop out there is suffering from the recession.

There is a silver lining. For those students who still have a few more semesters before they graduate, digital experience is key. In fact, internet-media companies and web-search portals are the only sector of the industry adding jobs.

That said, I'm curious to know what you've been doing in light of the economic downturn to make you stand out from the rest. Use the comments section to post your tips, stories, and reactions to the news.

Update: Adrants posted more information from the survey from the Association of American Advertisers (the source of Ad Age's article). Check it out.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Internship: Multicultural Advertising Training

The Multicultural Advertising Training (M.A.T.) program is currently looking for candidates for Summer 2009.

The requirements for the program:
  • Minority college student (junior, senior, recent graduate or masters candidate)
  • 2.7 GPA preferred (notice the lack of a period after GPA)
Unlike MAIP, it runs year round with Spring and Fall internships available.
Like MAIP, the program offers a variety of disciplines for students to pursue:
  • Account Management
  • Account Planning
  • Media (Planning or Buying)
  • Broadcast Production
  • Print Production/Traffic
  • Art Direction
  • Copywriting
  • Interactive
  • Research/Search Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Radio/Television Promotions
  • Sales/Marketing/Ad Network
The internships are paid, however, housing and transportation are not included in the program. Ideally, this would be great for students who live in the Greater LA area or have the means to move there (I'll write a post on how to find money to pay for your internships - I strongly believe that you can find money just about anywhere).

The deadline for the Summer 2009 program is April 3rd.

Internship: Bozell

Bozell is looking for interns for it's Omaha, NE office (Yep, Omaha!)

The following positions are currently open:
  • Account Service
  • Art Direction/Design
  • Copywriting
  • Interactive
You can download the application on their website - The deadline is March 2nd.
Check out their video (or don't - it's rather boring. Just saying) and their Facebook page.

Monday, February 09, 2009

SJSU: Copywriting Course Needs More Students

Prof. Mark Jordan is looking for a few more students to fill up his Advertising 124 Copywriting course. The class meets Tuesday nights from 6pm - 8:45. Students should have completed MCOM 100W, ADV 91 and ENG 71.

This is a mandatory class for advertising students on the creative track and is essential for creating pieces for ones portfolio.

On a personal note, Prof. Jordan is quite the witty character - he's exactly the type of person anyone considering copywriting as a profession should be learning under.

You must add the course by Feb. 10th - see Sylvia in the DBH office for the add code or contact Prof. Jordan directly at

Internship: IPG Lucky 13

Disclaimer: I'm an alum of IPG's Lucky 13 - so pardon my enthusiasm!

Hands down, if I had to make a recommendation for students looking for a comprehensive internship, IPG's Lucky 13 would be it.

I've heard countless stories of students who landed what they were hoping to be their dream internship, only to realize that the agency didn't know what to do with them once they're there. Not the case with The Lucky 13.

From day 1, I knew exactly what was expected of me. My Account Supervisor and the AAE who I worked directly under briefed me on the status of current projects and detailed what I would learn during my 10-weeks as an account management intern on the General Mills business. I still remember shuddering at their frankness concerning the workload.

By day 3, I was working on assignments side by side with the AAE, attending meetings at General Mills, and learning more things than most interns learn in an entire summer.

By the last day of the internship, I had learned more than I had throughout my entire college experience and felt ready to enter as a junior employee - which should be the goal of EVERY internship.

One of the things that I appreciated most about my time with Campbell Mithun, was the mentoring I received from not just my supervisor and AAE, but from anyone I came into contact with. It was through these interactions that I developed a very keen sense of the work CM does and the direction they're heading - but moreso, about what my role as an intern (and future job prospect) means to the agency.

Enough of the sentimentality - here's what The Lucky 13 do BEYOND their workload:

  • Brown Bag Lunches - Weekly meetings with some of the agencies top reps from each division
  • Speaker Series - Notable speakers explain what it means to work their field; followed by an hour of Q&A with CM's HR rep
  • Social Activities - Including a BBQ with our Keepers (think mentors - I know, Keepers sounds creepy, but they're actually quite nice).
  • Weekly Testimonials - Interns are emailed a question weekly and asked to record their testimonial in the "Confession Room" (think The Real World). At the end of the program the clips were created into a video (which I'm sure has leaked somewhere on the internet).
  • Speed Interviews - It's like speed dating minus the date
  • NSAC-Style Competition* - Interns were split into two teams and presented a fictional pitch to six judges comprised of agencies reps. The "client" - Grain Belt.
The deadline is rapidly approaching - so if you're interested, please visit their website. The application process is extremely intense, so dedicate the time necessary to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

If you want to see what my personal experience was like as a Lucky 13 intern, visit my other blog where I detail my life at Campbell Mithun & Minneapolis. You can also join the IPG Lucky 13 Facebook site, moderated by my favorite 13er, Val.

*For those of you who want to see the "campaign" we pitched as our final project, click here

Interns: Looking Beyond New York City

Oh New York City! Center of the Universe!

In an unofficial, unethical, and unoriginal survey, I found that the majority of college students want to start their advertising careers in New York City.

Reality Check. It's really fucking expensive.

This isn't a diatribe about NYC. I love the city - it's great. The bars are open late, the people are eclectic/beautiful/successful (add any adjective you want really), and the ad industry is booming (OK, not now, but you know what I mean).

However, I'd like to ask the question: How the hell can one afford to live in Manhattan (even the Burroughs) off of a Jr. Anything's salary?

One just needs to scan today's Craigslist postings to get an idea of how much rent is. It's ungodly. It's downright horrendous. It's more equivalent to what many Americans pay for a mortgage.

So why oh why do people insist on moving there right out of college when there are a handful of cities that can offer SOME (notice I still give NYC a lot of credit here) of what Manhattan has to offer and at a fraction of the cost?

One of my biggest factors in opting out of an internship in NYC this past summer was the experience I had the previous summer interning in New York City. The honest truth, I went through $4K in one month. I'll admit, I could have been more frugal with my spending habits, but even if I did cut down, I would have still been out a good $2K.

The moral of the story: Consider other cities/regions/locales. Remember that a zip code isn't everything and that an interns salary only goes so far. New York City will always be. Why not hold off on it until you've got the means to truly enjoy it?

Internship: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

CP+K is offering internships this summer in both their Miami and Boulder, CO offices.

Here's a list of disciplines they're looking to fill:
  • Content Management (Account Services)
  • Cultural and Business Insights (Account Planning)
  • Creative Content Distribution (Media)
  • Art Buying
  • Traffic
  • Studio
  • Print Production
  • Integrated Production
  • Public Relations
  • Interactive-Technical
  • Interactive-Creative
  • Creative
The application deadline for their Summer 2009 positions is April 10th.

On a side note, not really sure how CP+K's recent lay-offs will affect the internship program. However, one rule of advice: If you get in, you should be prepared to prove that you belong at the agency instead of the 60 employees who are no longer with the agency. In otherwords, don't pull this shit!

Internship: GSD&M Idea City

GSD&M Idea City, located in Austin, Texas has a number of internships in the following disciplines:

  • Account Service
  • Broadcast Production
  • Creative
  • Creative Project Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Marketplace planning
  • Media
  • New Business
  • Public Relations
Full descriptions can be found on their website.

What's not on their website: Their Halloween slideshow from 2005*

*Flickr is by far the best source to scout out what really happens behind closed doors. It's like being a peeping tom, but less peepy.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Interns: Playing the field

Chances are, if you're hunting down an internship, you've probably sent out your resume to 10+ agencies. The first time I applied for an internship I thought of it as a numbers game. In my case, I emailed/called 50 agencies, heard back from three, and got one offer.

So what happens when you get call-backs from multiple agencies. It could happen, right?

Recently, a MAIP semi-finalist asked if they should continue looking for other internships despite being on track to land a very prestigious one (if not, the most prestigious). The answer: Abso-fucking-lutely!

Here's the deal. HR reps understand that all prospects are actively looking for internships. Just because you get a call-back, doesn't mean that the internship is a sure thing (however, you should definitely treat it as one).

This is where the notes section on your spreadsheet will come in handy. Tracking what was said and by whom will help you to avoid making mistakes if you get multiple agencies interested in you - could you imagine if you sent off a list of your favorite Lovemarks(a very Saatchi thing) to TBWA/Chiat/Day? Blasphemy!

The best thing that could happen to you is that you get multiple offers. This is where it will take some skill in leveraging your negotiation skills. For instance, if you get two offers, one paid and the other unpaid, you can make the HR rep of the unpaid internship aware of the compensation you're being offered at the other agency. If they really want you, they'll match it (This would only work if you were given some time to think about the offers - some internships expect you to give a response on the spot).

Be warned! You should have a value associated with each agency/program you're applying to. For example: If you've been offered an internship at Crispin Porter + Bogusky and one at Mom & Pops Ad Schack - you're definitely going not going to tell CP + K that The Shack is offering you a stipend. That would just make you seem like an idiot - right?

Moral of the story: Don't stop looking for internships just because you got a call-back/interview/nice email. Continue looking for the best internship until you've found the best match for you.

Internship: Saatchi & Saatchi LA

Update (2/11/09): The Saatchi LA internship is a no go. Many thanks to the blogger who pointed this out to us. Check out the comments section for the details.

Update (2/10/09): Not sure if Saatchi LA is still looking to fill the internship positions. I'll keep you posted.

Saatchi & Saatchi LA are looking for eight interns in the following departments:

  • Media Planning
  • Traffic
  • Print Production
  • Idea Management (Account)
  • Interactive (Account, Media)
  • Brand Integration (Event Planning)
  • Strategic Planning
Check out their full posting on Youintern

Check out the agencies blog as well - you can pick up some insights into the culture of the agency by reading through a handful of the posts - particularly this one

Internship: Draftfcb

Draftfcb (Chicago) is looking for summer interns in the following departments:

  • Account Management
  • Media
  • Planning
  • Customer Intelligence
  • Events/Sports Marketing
  • New Business
The internships are paid ($600/week) - sweet!
Check out their post at for more info.

Below is some work they've done for Oreo's

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Interns: Follow New Business

If you're on the look out for an internship at an ad agency, one of my top tips is to follow new business. Case and point: Fallon recently won three, count them 1-2-3, new business pitches over the past three months.

Flashback to a post I wrote a few days ago announcing Fallon's hunt for interns this summer. It's safe to assume that the influx of business has Fallon on the look out for talent.

The moral of the story is to keep your eyes & ears open. New business typically equals a need for new talent, and that dear readers, is where you can snatch up that ad internship you've been looking for. Who knows, you might just make it after all.

Friend or Foe?: Poster Boy Plot Thickens

As an ad person, I should be "uh-uhhhing" and shaking my finger all over the place, but I'm seriously jonesing for Poster Boy. The rumor-mill has started and now we get word that the little boy-that-could is now several boys(and girls) that are. What are the implications if there is a movement of artists who manipulate the advertising that gets pumped down the throats of Manhattanites?

P-boy(s) Work

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

MAIP Questions: Carmonize is here to help

I've been getting a lot of questions from students who are applying for MAIP 2009. I wanted to provide a forum for you so that you can ask anything that your burning hearts desire. Just know, I in no way represent MAIP or AAAA, but am a 2008 MAIP alum. My responses are purely from my perspective as a student trying to make it into the ad industry.

My background is in account management (with a not-so-secret penchant for planning), so do keep that in mind. If you have questions about any of the other departments, I'll be happy to answer them, but naturally, they will be skewed. In addition to my internship at Campbell Mithun (Minneapolis) through MAIP I have also done an internship at BBH NY in 2007. So feel free to ask some hard hitting questions. I'll do my best to get back to you within a few hours.