Monday, June 01, 2009

Internship: Pop Art

So lets say you missed out on the COLABORATORY bus - not to worry, because now, you can apply straight to the source (at least one of them).

Pop Art is an interactive marketing agency in Portland. Their portfolio includes work for Leatherman, Portland Institute for Contemporary Arts, and Freightliner Trucks.

Here's a snapshot of what you could be doing with Pop Art:
  • Interactive Design
  • Editorial
  • Interactive Advertising Media
  • Software Development
  • Interactive Project Management
There are a few requirements for the internships, my favorite being: "College age or older." Lets assume you need to be 18+ to ride. Check out the other requirements and more on their website.

Oh - did I mention, they give you the option for a PAID or Unpaid internship? How novel (like, seriously awesome). Positions are currently open - so run, run fast.

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