Monday, September 18, 2006

To Thine Own Books Be True

I love the smell of a used book!

In fact, I strongly suggest that you smell every book you come into contact with - notice the aromas of pulpy delight of decades past. For this, and other reasons, I object on a personal level to the use of eBooks. I must admit, they sound tempting - especially to my lower back. However, the thought of reading from a screen, like the one I am typing on, makes my eyes bleed. Isn't it enough that we go to work (most of us) and perform task after task on computers, then go home and browse, buy, flirt, and stalk on our personal computers? The days when my backpack lacks my laptop, which are becoming fewer by the week, are some of my favorite. Afternoons at the beach would not be the same if I had to read Jackie Collins in digital - think of all the sand in those hard to get places! Furthermore, eBooks lack the personality of a book. Every crease, tear, underline, asterisk in a book is its own. To eBook would be to strip the unique mark each book has earned.

I also would like to point out that without books, what would those of us with massive book collections do to get some smoochies? Use our looks? Please, those are fleeting fast - trust me, you should see the dark, puffy circles under my eyes that Preparation-H just does not get rid of in the morning! Books, like albums, tapes, and artwork are treasured items to be displayed prominently in ones home. To imagine a home without a bookshelf would be like shopping at H&M at Neiman Marcus prices.

Therefore, eBook is a bad word, right up there with tapered jeans. Vive la Book!

1 comment:

Danna said...

Your witty protest against eBooks was very tenacious! I especially loved the ending: "Books, like albums, tapes, and artwork are treasured items to be displayed prominently in ones home. To imagine a home without a bookshelf would be like shopping at H&M at Neiman Marcus prices."
