Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Con-Dams are A O.K!!!

Do you remember the last good Public Service Announcement you saw? I for one can't remember one that didn't make me roll my eyes in disbelief. However, I recently came upon two advertisements directed by Wilfrid Brimo for, a Non-Profit Organization in France that made me go "Hmmmmmm?"

Before you read on, watch the videos, but be warned, the content is of adult nature, but nothing you don't already know about (Yes. Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina).

"Baby, Baby"
Directed by: Wilfrid Brimo
Agency: TBWA, Paris

"Sugar Baby Love"
Directed by: Wilfrid Brimo
Agency: TBWA, Paris

After watching these PSA's, I admit I was shocked. Not only had I just witnesed cartoon characters engaging in various acts of sexual behavior, but I had witnessed an approach to AIDS that was believable: "Live long enough to find the good one. Protect yourself."

In just under three minutes, I laughed, I said "I've been there," and above all, I felt empowered. These weren't the feelings I had during sex ed. Do you remember how embarassing it was to hear your P.E teacher talk about how to use contraceptives? Totally gag me with a spoon!

I think that's why I feel these PSA's are so effective, because they understand that we need to take a different approach to preventing the spread of AIDS.

So why do we not have PSA's like these in America? Are we truly that afraid to confront a disease that deserves the kind of frankness that the French have given it?


Jonathan Carmona said...

I'd just like to say - I beat Lilly to the punch on this one.

Anonymous said...

You're referring to the "Vibrators" ad I showed in class? That, too, was French -- very likely part of this same campaign.

I could show you a Canadian commercial for the Mini that shows a guy and two women having a threesome in the car (message: it has a lot of interior space). And a British commercial for beer in which a man explains to his friends how he taught his children about sex (He picks up a sausage from his plate and uses it to demonstrate). Both would make you keel over with laughter, and neither would ever be shown, in a million years, on an American television network.

Why not? Don't ask me, I'm Canadian. But I've always found it interesting that censorship in this country is directed almost entirely toward images of a sexual nature, whereas unspeakable, realistic, nightmare-inducing acts of violence are permitted.

Jonathan Carmona said...

Well said Lilly. Now, show me the Mini/Sausage!