Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome back!

I'm back in the Carmonize seat getting ready for another season of "How-To's" and "What-Not-To-Do's" so check back often. As always, feel free to drop me a note regarding future topics to cover.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan!

So I've spent most of my winter break just applying to agencies all around the nation because I desperately need an internship in advertising in order to graduate from SJSU.

I still feel lost though, is there anything else I can be doing besides just sending my resume and cover to all these agencies? What advice would you give me?

Jonathan Carmona said...

Sarah -
Undoubtedly you've discovered the difficulty of finding an internhip during a recession. Have you tried There are several agencies posting internships for the summer.

You should also try calling agencies in addition to your emails. Remind me what position you're applying for so I can tailor the response a bit more.

Sarah Clark said...

Thanks Jonathan,

I was looking into Art Buying..

and I am on and am constantly looking for internships.

crazybeautiful life said...

Hey Jonathan!

Do you have any idea when MAIP semifinalists come out? They're supposed to come out this week! I'm so nervous and have been checking my email pretty much every 20 minutes! eeep!

Btw, what are you doing with advertising? I was curious since you seem to know so much about it!! :)

Jonathan Carmona said...

Sarah -

Still working on some info for you, so hold tight.

- J

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jonathan :]]

Anonymous said...

You've been Carmonized!