Thursday, January 29, 2009

SJSU: Hone Your Presentation Skills w/MCOM 181A - 04

JMC is offering a new, 1-unit course in presentation skills this semester. The course will be taught by the schools most fabulous professor, Denise Delaney.

Topics covered in the course:

Slide design
Connecting w/your audience
Using handouts
Looking the part
Managing nervous energy

Anyone remotely interested in advertising should take this course. Presenting is key to climbing the ladder at any agency - those who master the art of speaking in an engaging manner are the ones who get promoted fastest. Think of it this way, the more time you spend in front of an audience the less likely you'll be a bumbling mess in front of your boss (which then equals less money you spend at the bar trying to forget it).

The course runs from March 10th - April 28th from 6-8:45pm on Tuesday evenings. If you're interested in the course, you must register by Feb. 10.

See Sylvia in the JMC office or contact Professor Delaney at for an add code.

Fallon: 12 Intern Spots Available This Summer

Fallon just announced on YouIntern 12 spots for their Summer Internship program.

They're looking for interns for the following departments:
Account Management
Account Planning
Broadcast Production

Applications must be submitted by March 13. Full job posting here.

AgencySpy: Blogging Intern Wanted

Typically I would never let you in on this, dear readers. However, I just can't resist healthy competition (who am I kidding - I can't afford to live in NYC for another 10 years).

is looking for a blogging intern this summer. In a nutshell, this is what they're looking for:

We need someone who can write quick, succinct copy; cull accurate data from all corners of the Web and agency representatives and write in the same style that has set AgencySpy apart from all the others.

Full listing @ MediaBistro

Rednecks <3 Disco Balls

Cutwater has released new work for Ray-Ban's "Never Hide" campaign that makes me wish I was part of a fraternity heavy on hazing. The S&G's abound with "Disco Ballers."

Check out all Cutwater's work for Ray Ban here.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SF Job Rumblings: AKQA & BSSP

AKQA: Media Planner

AKQA: Senior Project Manager

AKQA: Account Supervisor

AKQA: Account Supervisor

AKQA: Senior Project Manager

Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners: Account Executive

All of these positions aren't for recent grads w/no experience. However, if you're going to make yourself desirable for a recruiter, it would do you good to take a look at what these agencies are looking for. At the very least, check out the work both of these shops have done - They're pretty fucking brilliant.

For the Art Directors/Copywriters

Y&R SF is having an open house TONIGHT @ 6pm. They're located at 303 Second Street, South Tower, 8th Floor, SF.

Yeah, I know I'm posting this last minute, but if you're even thinking of entering the field as an art director or copywriter you should never be uttering these words: But my book isn't ready. BULLSHIT.

So haul ass tonight up to their office, and impress the CD & steer clear of the eye-candy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

AgencySpy: LiveBlogging Pepsi's Superbowl Preview @ TBWA NY

The Spy's were at it again this morning LiveBlogging from TBWA NY about their upcoming Superbowl work for Pepsi. Naturally, TBWA talked a lot about their other work for Pepsi: Tropicana (click here for botched presentation)Sobe, & Gatorade.

Sobe's new work has the theme of "Sobelieve"

Here's the Sobe spot:

I'm not a huge fan, but the spots use 3D glasses - which is kind of awesome because they'll be able to track how many people they reached by the volume of glasses they sold/gave out (not really sure what they're going to do with it).

Yikes! the Sobe ad cost $5M to make - that's insane! That's atrocious! I thought we were in a recession!

You can find out where to get the Sobe glasses at their website. Smart/measurable.

Here's the presentation for Gatorade. It's got an MTV Made theme to it. Could be interesting to watch the (I'm assuming webisodes or something like it - it kind of reminds me of the thing BBH did with The Gamekillers for Axe).

The spot for Pepsi Diet Max is better. It's being pushed as the first diet soft drink for men. I'm a sucker for monkey's and at least they didn't pull a Snickers on us.

AgencySpy lost its juice. Literally. No battery life, means no blogging - boo. Anyways, at least we got to see the work TBWA is pumping out for Pepsi. For the most part, I can say it's got baby-legs. A little wobbley, but I think they'll get into the groove (I'll say a little prayer).

Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome back!

I'm back in the Carmonize seat getting ready for another season of "How-To's" and "What-Not-To-Do's" so check back often. As always, feel free to drop me a note regarding future topics to cover.