Thursday, February 21, 2008

If Beth Ditto popped out of my box ...

...I'd be a happy man

Yah, Mika's pretty tasty too

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I was recently asked during an interview if I were a brand, which would I be? I can't explain how dumbfounded I was by the question - particularly because I tend to be exceedingly brand fanatical.

My first answer (yes, I took it back) was Kettle Chips, in particular, Salt & Vinegar. I eat a bag a day - no lie. For obvious reasons (you should have seen her lips purse at the mental taste) I reconsidered.

My final answer - very Merideth Viera, was Gerolsteiner, makers of natural mineral water hailing from Germany.

At the time, I felt like an idiot - I mean really, I've never seen any ads, a website or nothing that led me to think that this would be a good answer. At the time, I simply felt that Gerolsteiner represented the emotional essence I was feeling at the time - refreshing optimism.

So to make sure I wasn't a complete idiot - I checked out their website and was shocked that I wasn't such a douche after all. Here are the latest commercials for Gerolsteiner - their website puts it best:
"The new Gerolsteiner TV spots take place in the prime of life. They deal with normal people and concern positive moments of everyday life, which everbody knows. Moments when we feel good and alive."